Empowering Communities Through Innovative Solutions
Partner with us to create lasting impact for young people, through education, climate action and gender equality
PlanetWise Equity-Driven Solutions
We are a consulting firm that offers professional services to governments, multilateral organizations, international financial institutions, and other organizations to improve the lives of children and youth, through solutions that bring together Education, ClimateAction and Gender Equality.
Our approach combines a high-collaboration working model with evidence-driven and culturally-relevant methodologies, tailoring solutions to each client’s needs.
Education, Learning and Skills
We specialize in processes of educational transformation towards better learning outcomes, using innovation and evidence-based approaches. Some of our areas of focus are:
Curricular reform aimed to improve learning outcomes and reduce out-of-school children
Large scale professional development for teachers, school managers and leaders
Development of learning standards and learning materials
AI-powered learning solutions
Climate & Education Solutions
We bring expertise in integrating climate in programs and policies for children. We break silos, bringing together climate justice, gender equality and education. Some of our areas of focus are:
Addressing climate mitigation and adaptation in the education sector
Green skills, nature-based solutions, and climate action in curriculum and learning materials.
Climate resilience to ensure continuity of learning after climate-related shocks
We mobilize our expertise to support public, private and civil society organizations to mainstream gender in policies and programs. Some of our areas of focus are:
Girls' Education
STEM and digital skills for girls
Gender Responsive Education Sector Planning
Comprehensive Sexuality Education
Menstrual Hygiene Management solutions
Gender Equality
Educational Planning & Program Evaluation
Our experts have supported Ministries of Education, Planning, and Finance in every continent to articulate their strategic vision for education transformation, as part of sector-wide processes of analysis, policy dialogue, and planning. Some of our areas of focus are:
Education Sector Analysis and Planning
Gender-responsive sector planning
Disability-inclusive sector planning
Climate-informed sector plans
Appraisal of Education Sector Plans and Mid-Term Reviews
Programme Evaluation
Policy & Advocacy
We facilitate effective policy advocacy and policy dialogue, to support governments, multilateral organizations and civil society to drive change for children. Some of our focus areas are:
Development of advocacy strategies
Research on cost-effective, evidence-based policy solutions
Planning and coordination of high-level advocacy forums
Meaningful engagement of children and youth in national and international policy dialogue and advocacy
We have worked across every continent to drive change for young people
Improving services for children and communities by breaking silos. We bring education, climate action, and gender equality together to impact young lives.
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Are you passionate about bringing about change for the most marginalized young people? Contact us for information on partnerships and volunteering.